Category: Diary

Diary – Learning some music

  I don’t know anything about music. And I don’t remember how this started, but now I am making an attempt to learn some music using my laptop. Although I never finished this (Hegwid’s Theme), this was 1st piece of music which I programmed after learning to read some sheet music (about a month back).  Here’s the part of sheet music, which I used, along with the code. (Click on the…

Diary – fear of move

Doing Art is sometimes more of overcoming fear, hesitations, mental block and other biases that you might have inculcated in you. What you look for is a conceptual space where the (artistic) rules are bendable and it takes a lot of effort to be in that mental conceptual space. And then there is this fear that your Artwork will not be appreciated. But should you care; isn’t art also about…